Please review the article on the Planner carefully - as of August 13th, 2024, the Planner went from 4-quarter to multi-year capable.
The Planner is critical for helping clients understand what you can do for them as well as why you recommend different services and solutions. It's also useful for spotting issues that need to be discussed with clients in a visual easy-to-read format.
Please use the headers below to navigate to each section quickly:
- Using the Planner
- Adding/Editing Planner Cards
- Displaying Project and Quote Cards
Reviewing the Planner Globally
Using the Planner
To access the planner in CloudRadial CSA:
- Log into your CloudRadial CSA portal
Navigate to Account > Planner in either your company or a client company
The different tabs available in the Planner are:
- Board
- List
- Options
- Meetings
The different tabs available in the Planner are:
The Board View
The Planner Board is the default view when accessing the Planner. This is where you can create planner cards specific to your client's company and also adjust the schedule and planning for cards that are subscribed to content.
The main sections of the Planner Board are broken down by:
- Recommended
- Quarters
- Completed
- Settings will show users subscribed content that they can unsubscribe from if you give them that option.
- +Add allows you to create new planner cards for that specific client
The main sections of the Planner Board are broken down by:
Clicking the Today button allows a user to snap the view back to the current calendar quarter on the left side of the timeline.
- Planner items can be scheduled for any quarter on the timeline. You can use the left and right carets to navigate while on the planner board.
The List View
Here, users can see the planner cards in a list view. The columns for the list view are as follows:
- Planner Item - Title of the planner card.
- Category - Category selected for the item.
- Status - The status of the item. This can be manually set or triggered when moved to Completed on the timeline; when an item is dragged out of the completed column the status will move to the default status of Proposed.
- Timeline - Where the planner card is located on the board.
- Completion Date - This will match what is in the install date. When a card is moved to the Completed section of the timeline, this date will automatically be filled with the current date.
The items under the Options view are only visible in this location. It can be used for planner cards you would like to hide from the Board and List view, as well as a way to hide planner cards that the client does not wish to discuss.
- Columns
- Planner Item - Title of the planner card.
- Category - Category selected for the item.
- Status - Status of the item
- Timeline - Where on the planner board it will be located when moved back.
- Completion Date - This will match what is in the install date. When a card is set to the Completed section of the timeline, this date will automatically be filled with the current date.
Adding to Planner Cards to Options
- From the Board View, right-click any planner card and select Move to Options
- From the List View, click the 3 dots for any item and select Move to Options
Adding Planner Cards Back to the Planner Board
- Go to Planner > Options > Click the 3 dots > Click Move to List
Note: The only way to move an item back to the Board and List view is to click the 3 dots and select Move to Options.
- Go to Planner > Options > Click the 3 dots > Click Move to List
Meeting with your clients is critical to building lasting and fruitful relationships. During meetings, you can run through tickets, notable issues, upcoming road map items, additional reports, and more without ever leaving CloudRadial.
- Click +Add to create a meeting
- The Status is manually set:
- Planned (default)
- Completed
- Type in the Subject of the meeting
- You can also click Add a Meeting Template. Applying templates can expedite the process of logging notes and make for more streamlined and uniform data entry.
- Select the Meeting Date using the calendar
- Manually type in the meeting Organizer
- Notes can help you to prepare yourself for the meeting and to enter important information gained during the meeting
- Attachments added can be viewed and downloaded by your client users when they select an upcoming meeting
- The Status is manually set:
- You can also see an overview of meetings under Partner > Planner > Meetings. You can view these meetings managed by:
- Company
- The Last Completed meeting
- The Next Planned meeting
Click here to learn more about meetings.
Adding/Editing Planner Cards
Read below for the different ways you can add cards to a company Planner:
- Go to Partner > Content > Either add or go to Planner Items and create them like any other subscribed content. Click here to review a video on managing content
- Under any client portal, go to Account > Planner > Here you can also add or edit current cards
- In many of our locations with data tables, for example, the Endpoints section, you can select an item to add to the Planner. Look for this button throughout the admin sections of the portal. See image:
Adding to the Planner Cards to the Timeline
When creating and editing planner cards, you can determine where it will go on the Board Timeline by either dragging the card to the appropriate column or editing the card and choosing the Timeline options under the Schedule section, which allows you to also choose specific start and end dates.
There are 4 options to choose from for the Timeline in the Planner:
- Recommended (Default)
Quarter Offset
- Using this setting will allow you to select the current quarter or the next 3 quarters.
- Planner cards with this setting will always be visible on the default view of the Timeline and cannot be moved outside of the current quarters available.
- These cards will stay in the column they have been placed as the quarter changes.
Project Dates
- Choosing project dates allows more customization when choosing where are the Timeline you would like the Planner Card. The Estimated Start Date will determine where on the Planner Board this will appear. These cards can also be moved anywhere on the Planner Board.
- Completed
You can also use the Settings tab for additional controls and use the Notes tab to add notes to each individual card.
Note: You can customize the labels for the Recommended and Completed tab under Partner > Settings > Account & Branding > Customization > Planner Options. Tokens are also accepted for these fields.
Displaying Project and Quote Cards
The Planner can also support the display of both Project and Quote cards. These are shown alongside the regular Planner cards and are toggled on and off via buttons at the top of the Planner.
Conditions for Card Display
- These card types are only available to Partners using a supported PSA that shows Projects and/or Quotes
- The Project and Quote cards cannot have their category or color customized
- If Projects and/or Quotes are disabled within a given company's Feature Set, the option to see these cards will not be present
Enabling Project and Quote Cards and Display Toggles
You must activate the option to show Project and Quote cards per company. To enable the Quote and Opportunity card display:
- Navigate to a given company in your CloudRadial tenant
- Go to Account > Planner
- Select the Settings option at the top right
- Check the options to show Projects and/or Quotes from the PSA
- Select Submit to finalize the selection for the company
The cards will now be displayed within the Planner for that specific company. Individual users can toggle the card types to show on the Planner from the toggle buttons next to the quarter arrows.
Project and Quote Card FAQs
- Project and Quote cards can't be moved - their date and respective location is based on the data that we pull from the PSA.
- Card toggles are specific to individual users
- To see the Settings option at the top right to enable the display, a user must have Partner-level access to the Planner
- Project and Quote cards do not display in the Sales Matrix or within reports
Reviewing the Planner Globally
You can view Planner information from the Partner tab as well, which will give you access to all your customers' Planner items in one location.
Go to Partner > Planner
Plan Items
- See a list view of the Planner cards for all of your clients
- Provides a holistic view of the companies and their progress of cards on the Timeline
- View when the next meeting for you clients is scheduled and the last completed meeting
Sales Matrix
- Review your clients status on your most important items from subscribed content in the Sales Matrix
- Review your clients status on your most important items from subscribed content in the Sales Matrix
Plan Items
Planner Categories
Under Partner > Settings > Planner Categories, you can edit and reorder the categories. These categories should cover all of your top level goals for you and your client.
Note: You cannot add or remove categories as it is recommended that you use the categories provided and make them your own if needed.
Report Layouts
Go to Partner > Settings > Report Layouts, here you can create reports that are ready to go to present to your clients. You can download the reports or add them into their portal.
Click here to learn more about Report Layouts.
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