If you are using Cloudflare, please do not "mask" the custom CNAME used for CloudRadial. Masking prevents automatic renewal.
How to Request a Custom Domain
Custom portal URLs are available for all Portal 365, Starter, Professional, and Enterprise Partners. To request a custom domain:
- Go to your Partner > Account page.
- Choose the Domains tab at the top.
- Click on the Request Custom URL button.
- This page (seen below) will show you where to map your CNAME for your custom domain.
- This page (seen below) will show you where to map your CNAME for your custom domain.
- Configure the CNAME to point to the record from the step above, in your DNS host, and then enter it in the "Custom Domain Name" field and press Submit.
- This will validate the CNAME and send a support ticket to support.
Note: These next steps are also applicable to current partners that receive a Partner Advisory to update their CNAME. It will show the updated CNAME to point to.
Additional Information
Most domains can be set up using just the information above. Here's additional information for certain situations.
- Root-level domains (domains with a CNAME) are not supported.
- Because of validation issues, we cannot validate domains that start with "www".
- If you are using Cloudflare, your CNAME cannot be masked and needs to return the actual CNAME value for verification. You can test using MXToolbox.
- If you use a CAA record to protect the domain, you will need to authorize 'digicert.com'.
Domain FAQs and Pricing
What is the cost of a custom domain in CloudRadial?
- There is no charge for your primary custom domain. However, if you need to change your domain later, there is a $100 one-time charge to set up the new domain, regardless of the CloudRadial version. Don't forget to redirect the previous domain to the new one.
What should my CNAME prefix be? Are there any best practices?
- That's ultimately up to you. When you set up your custom CNAME, you decide the prefix before the actual domain. If your MSP's site is "Contoso.com", then you decide what goes before it in your DNS settings. Popular choices are portal, hub, my, support, and app.
Ex: portal.contoso.com, support.contoso.com, app.contoso.com, and so on.
Can I give my client companies their custom domains?
- Yes - and the best part is that they're free. But they're not fully custom as they use the .directportal.com URL.
These can be found within the client-level branding tab of an individual company.
Can I get additional domains, or do I have to live with the one I set up?
- Additional custom domains are available for an extra $10/month, regardless of the CloudRadial version. These domains map to the same location as the primary domain. This means you can have app.contoso.com AND portal.contoso.com - but they will both lead to the same core URL of your client portal (contoso.region.cloudradial.com)
If you are on the Enterprise version of CloudRadial, you also have the option of Custom Vanity Domains. With the $10-a-month domains, you can take it a step further and map domains to specific companies. So instead of having clientcompany.us.directportal.com, you can have a URL to go to a specific client's portal from a custom domain, such as portal.clientcompany.com.
How do I get started with additional domain requests?
- Send us your additional domain requests by submitting a ticket. It may take up to two business days to provision the additional domains.
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