When you first add a company to your CloudRadial tenant, you will be provided with a variety of sync settings based on available connections via the identifiers.
Below, we'll specifically break down what each sync option does and how it works for your company.
For more details on sync settings, see the following articles:
When syncing companies from the PSA and Office 365, the following rules are true:
- You can have both the PSA and Office 365 connected. Doing so will result in CloudRadial defaulting to Office 365 as the greater source of sync truth, since it's typically the more organized and up-to-date source of users.
- Users found in both the PSA and Office 365 will be merged together as one contact within CloudRadial, based on a match that occurs by email.
Those that are bolded denote default options when adding a company
PSA Synchronization Options
Option | Explanation |
Enable user and account information sync with PSA? |
Enables the syncing of users and accounts from the PSA to CloudRadial. The list of users is found under Usage > Users within CloudRadial's feature set. |
If user source is PSA, delete users when no longer in PSA? |
If the user sync source is the PSA, CloudRadial will automatically delete the user once they aren't detected in the PSA anymore. Requires a sync to take effect and clear out deleted users. |
Sync new log ins with PSA (when users log in by matched domain)? |
Enabling a domain-match login requires adding the domain for that company manually via Infrastructure > Domains. Enabling this option allows users that aren't in the PSA to access CloudRadial via the Email token login option, so long as their email matches the domain. Those with a matched domain will be created in the PSA and matched with existing contacts by email match, if available. |
After PSA sync, only enable log ins from administrator users? |
Disable log in access to all users in bulk except for those marked as Admin within CloudRadial. Useful for those that need to demo the portal or give functionality for Admins without the possibility of end users accessing it. |
Office 365 Synchronization Options
Option | Explanation |
Enable user and account information sync with Office 365? |
Enables the syncing of 365 data, including adoption and license information. Does not sync users into the portal - just their data. |
Sync users? Uncheck for just limited 365 reporting. |
Allows the user sync to take place from Office 365 to the company in CloudRadial. Removing this will show some license data, but it will not be attributed to specific users. |
If user source is Office 365, delete users when no longer in Office 365? |
If the user sync source is the Office 365, CloudRadial will automatically delete the user once they aren't detected in Office 365 anymore. Requires a sync to take effect and clear out deleted users. |
Use User Principal Name (UPN) as email address? |
Reverts to using the UPN as the primary email address, which is typically what is used in most O365 cases. More details on UPNs can be found in this article. |
Include Only These Domains: |
Enables users to sync to that company ONLY if their domain matches what you enter within the blank text box. Supports multiple domains. Ex: mycompany.com |
Sync users without Office 365 licenses? |
Syncs those without licenses attached to their mailboxes. |
Sync users whose accounts are disabled in Active Directory? |
Syncs users that have been disabled in AD. |
After 365 sync, only enable log ins from administrator users? |
Disable log in access to all users in bulk except for those marked as Admin within CloudRadial. Useful for those that need to demo the portal or give functionality for Admins without the possibility of end users accessing it. |
PSA / Office 365 Synchronization Options
Option | Explanation |
Update PSA contacts from Office 365 users? |
If both Office 365 and the PSA have been connected, this option uses Office 365 as the source of truth for contact management. As you add someone in O365, this option will create them in the PSA and CloudRadial. As you delete someone from O365 (or otherwise mark them as "disabled"), this option will delete them from CloudRadial and mark them as Inactive within the PSA. It will not delete the user in the PSA. |
Update PSA user first name and last name from Office 365? | This option is an addendum to the O365/PSA sync, in that it also re-names the contacts in the PSA to match the entries found from Office 365 to keep naming conventions consistent. |
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