There are certain advanced configuration settings that will help make your CloudRadial Storefront customized to your liking, enhancing the overall functionality.
- Global Storefront Settings
- Individual Storefront Settings
- Payments & Billing
- Orders
- Usage
- Storefront Tags
Storefront Global Settings
Global settings define the standards for your Storefront. Whether you have one or multiple, these settings help you curate a certain experience for your users. Many of these can be overwritten for specific Storefronts to give you maximum control over individual client experiences.
To access these settings:
- Navigate to Settings (Select your name at the top right) > Storefront Management
- You'll automatically be taken to the Global Settings tab
Below, we'll cover the instruction sets for each customizable setting.
Title Settings
- Default Storefront Sub URL: This sets your default storefront, used when customers are not assigned to any specific Storefront.
- Name: Customizes the header of the storefront if not overridden by the storefront settings. This is also shown on the login page.
- Title: The title of the Storefront that's shown on the home page.
- Banner Text: The default banner text to show in the banner location on the Storefront.
- Theme: Quickly select a theme that best matches your company branding, or choose custom to customize all of the colors using a color picker.
- Header Font: The font to use in the header bar as well as paragraph headers/titles.
Default Font: The font to use in all other text locations.
Order Settings
Use Notes: Determines if the user should be prompted for order notes before placing an order.
- This can be overridden by the individual Storefront settings.
- This data is then stored on the order or can be used in tags.
Notes Label: The label for the order notes field.
- This can be overridden by the individual Storefront settings.
Notes Instructions: Shown under the notes label and before the notes field.
- You can use markdown to customize the formatting of the text.
Terms and Conditions: Shown on the order confirmation page with a checkbox that the customer accepts the terms and conditions. Currently, this only supports plain text.
- NOTE: if you are using Stripe for Payment Processing, you will be limited to 1200 characters (per Stripe’s API limits). Additional characters will be truncated.
- Order Email: The email address to BCC order notification emails.
- Customer Email Text: The body text to include in the email above the product table
Customer Email Subject: The header of the email to send to the customer and Order Email when an order is placed.
- This supports tags.
Markup Settings
- Default Markup: The default markup amount to use when not distinctly set on a product.
- Default Markup Type: The default markup type to use when not distinctly set on a product.
Payment Settings
Currency: The default currency to use as display on Storefronts.
- This information is also passed to payment processors.
- Note: CloudRadial does NOT perform any currency conversion. Any currency set here is what we expect the data to exist as on the specified vendors.
- If you have multiple currencies in your catalog, please use the vendor filter functionality so that only vendors of that currency are used for calculation.
- Payment Processor: Which payment processor (if any) that you would like to use.
Collect Tax: This is passed to the payment processor (if supported).
- Note: CloudRadial does not currently perform tax calculations.
Other Settings
- Order Failure Email: Defines the email address that will be used to alert you if an order fails to be placed or if the order processing/opportunity creation fails.
- Storefront Vendor Filter: If set, only selected vendors will be used for stock and markup calculations.
Individual Storefront Settings
The following settings are specific to Storefronts. Generally, the settings you select on a specific Storefront will override the Global Settings.
To access a specific Storefront's settings:
- Navigate to Settings (Select your name at the top right) > Storefront Management
- Select the Storefronts tab
- Select the Details button on the individual Storefront you want to modify.
Note: For the sake of avoiding repetition, settings that purely override the Global Settings are not documented here - any missing settings are covered by the section above.
Enabled: Enable or disable a storefront.
- Disabled storefronts cannot be accessed.
Sub URL: Used as part of the storefront URL, which will be:
- https://{domain}/{organization}/{sub_url}/login.
- Once the user is logged in, they will no longer see this sub URL,
- Override Terms and Conditions: If checked, the Storefront-level terms and conditions will be used instead of the Global Settings. If unchecked, any provided storefront terms and conditions will be appended to the end of the Global Settings,
Payments & Billing
Payment Processing
This allows for setting up payment processors. Currently, only Stripe is supported, however, other payment processors are on the roadmap. Check back at a later date for updated integration information.
For details on the Stripe integration, see this article.
Currently, only ConnectWise PSA Tax Calculation is supported. To learn more about it, please read this article.
If checked, this allows customers to look up locations in your CRM for their company to auto-fill shipping and billing information. Supports ConnectWise and Autotask location lookups.
For opportunity setup, you will have the PSA option available based on the PSA that was connected to your CloudRadial tenant at the time you created your Storefront.
Note that these can be overridden by individual Storefront settings.
Shows a table of orders and their respective statuses in your Storefront, as well as the option to dive into each transaction with the Details button on the right.
Shows your overall Storefront usage and availability (dependent on your price tier).
Storefront Tags
Certain Storefront settings support tags. All text field integration fields, as well as any field denoted with Supports Tags, will support tags.
- Tags are used surrounded by {{{ and }}}. For example, {{{order_number}}}
Tag List
Tag Name | Tag Description |
{{{order_number}}} | The order number is generated when a customer places an order on the CloudRadial Storefront. This is a randomly generated integer. |
{{{storefront}}} | The Storefront name. |
{{{shipping_address}}} | The shipping address entered by the customer. |
{{{billing_address}}} | The billing address entered by the customer. |
{{{additional_information}}} |
The order notes entered by the customer if enabled. |
{{{customer_email_text}}} |
The customer email text field. |
{{{customer_email_subject}}} | The setting for customer email subject. NOTE: This tag has not been tokenized, so any tags used in this field will still be in their {{{tag}}} format. |
{{{storefront_url}}} | The login URL for the Storefront in which the order was placed |
{{{order_date}}} | The date that the order was placed in MM/DD/YYYY format. |
{{{order_table}}} |
An HTML table of products & bundles that were ordered, as well as the subtotal, tax, and total. |
{{{order_table_plain_text}}} |
A plain text list of products & bundles that were ordered, as well as the subtotal, tax, and total. |
{{{top_bundle}}} |
The name of the highest-priced bundle that was ordered (based on the total, or price x quantity) |
{{{top_product}}} | The name of the highest-priced product that was ordered (based on the total, or price x quantity) |
{{{top_item}}} |
The name of the highest-priced bundle or product that was ordered (based on the total, or price x quantity) |
{{{order_subtotal}}} |
The subtotal of the order, before tax. Formatted as currency. |
{{{order_tax}}} |
The tax amount. Formatted as currency. |
{{{order_total}}} |
The order total after tax. Formatted as currency. |
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