You can easily integrate Microsoft Bookings into your CloudRadial ticketing using the confirmation page settings. To integrate Bookings:
- Edit your catalog item (report a problem or request service)
- Choose the Confirmation tab
- Click on the source code button </>
- Paste the code below, changing the link to the URL you generated using the URL Generator in Bookings.
- For more details on how to set up and generate a Bookings URL/Embed code, see this support article.
- Click on the source code button </> a second time to close the HTML editing. You should see the Bookings form displayed. (if you don't close the source editing, the changes won't be saved).
- Below is a sample HTML code is recommended for use, as the default code provided by bookings is rather short.
<iframe src="YourBookingLinkGoesHere!" width="100%" height="1300px"" scrolling="yes" style="border:0;"></iframe>
Now, when items are submitted, the user will receive a prompt for scheduling.
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