Integrating with Microsoft Teams



  • Lowell Picklyk

    In Branding, what's the purpose of the "automatically override theme when running inside Teams?" I see the two new themes, Teams-Dark and Teams-Light... Are we supposed to select one of those? It feels like if we select this override we're overriding anything in Teams with our selected theme but I don't think that's what happens.

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  • Jeff

    If you choose the override, the Teams app will automatically use the correct Teams-friendly theme based on the user's light/dark mode. This lets you style things as you want in the web browser, but blend in better inside of Teams. There is also the option to add a second partner logo that better adapts to light/dark changes.

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  • Lowell Picklyk

    Thanks, Jeff. When I add tabs to the Teams app settings in CR, I don't see them show up after refreshing Teams, logging out and in, or clearing the cache folder in %appdata%. Do I have to re-download the CR app for Teams ZIP file, and re-upload it when I add new tabs?

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  • Jeff

    Tabs are part of the app, so adding tabs requires an update/upload of the app.

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  • Lowell Picklyk

    When we add a tab that say, only admins access, does the tab itself show up for regular users, even if the content doesn't?

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  • Jeff

    Yes, Teams apps aren't aware of what's inside the tabs. They just wrap content.

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  • Lowell Picklyk

    OK, good to know. Someone asked that on the webinar and the answer was that only the content a user is authorized to see, they'll see. But they'll still see the tab, so for now I'll make sure we don't add tabs that aren't available to all users if we're deploying an app company-wide.

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  • Jeff Rash

    So, I've finally got around to setting this up, but I'm having an issue logging in. When I open the app in Teams, I get an error saying "Unable to Sign into Portal. User cannot access this application using Teams sign in."

    Then it says "Reason. Try logging in with email token instead" (there is no actual reason listed). I can use the email token option, but I need to do that each time I switch between tabs.

    Has anyone seen this or have any ideas? I've been through the Azure Portal and reviewed my logins, but they all say success. I'm using MFA, and that's also reporting as successful.

    And I've cleared the Teams cache twice, just in case.




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  • Terry Rossi

    As you continue to build this out,  incrementing the version number on the app would be very helpful.   Also the "direct link" to install never seems to work for us,  produces a "App not Found",  we have to go to Apps in teams and then search for the app to install.

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