Previously HubSpot Chat allowed for the identification of visitors through Javascript. An update to HubSpot now requires the use of the visitor identification API to create a token that is not currently supported by CloudRadial. More information on this token can be found here at the developer site.
HubSpot is a popular solution that many MSPs use to assist with marketing. More details on their product can be found here: https://www,
HubSpot Chat Integration Instructions
To integrate HubSpot Chat:
- Navigate to Partner > Settings
- Select Integrations on the right (under the Configuration column)
- Select the Header Scripts option
- Enter the code below in the Header Scripts field
- Ensure you replace the HubSpot Chat embed code with your specific code
- Once you've applied your code, select Submit to finalize your setting
Your HubSpot Chat icon should appear at the bottom right of the screen after a refresh.
Note: If the chat widget does not appear, please verify that you have a "chatflow" enabled in HubSpot.
Sample HubSpot Chat Header Script
<!-- Start of HubSpot Embed Code -->
<script type="text/javascript" id="hs-script-loader" async defer src="//"></script>
<!-- End of HubSpot Embed Code -->
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