CloudRadial provides the ability to bulk import tickets from an Excel spreadsheet for a particular company.
Importing Tickets from Excel
To import:
- Create a spreadsheet with the details to be included with each ticket
- The column headers are used as the question labels
- The cell values are the question answers
- Columns without a column header are ignored (See attached sample)
- Navigate to Partner > Clients
- Select (do not edit) a given company
- Under the Overview section, select the button text to Import Tickets
- Enter a Default Subject and Default Description for the new tickets
- Set a Default Contact via the drop-down to assign the tickets to
- Upload the file created above in step one
- Press Submit to import the file and create new tickets.
You will find a ticket created for each row in the spreadsheet.
Mapping to Custom Fields
Column headers that start with an asterisk (*) indicate that a specific the column will map to a custom field in the PSA.
For example, the column header *Hardware Tag would map to the Hardware Tag custom field. Spelling, case, and spacing must match exactly with your custom field.
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