Connecting your Autotask instance to your CloudRadial tenant allows you to pull in users and set up your configuration of PSA options for ticketing and various other features.
We'll follow four main steps:
- Step 1: Creating an API User and getting API Keys from Autotask
- Step 2: Entering the API keys from Autotask into CloudRadial
- Step 3: Setting up additional Autotask configuration options
- Step 4: Tying Autotask to Specific Companies in CloudRadial
Step 1: Creating an API User and Getting API Keys from Autotask (REST API)
Why are we doing this? Getting an API User setup, along with the keys, will set us up to establish a link between CloudRadial and Autotask so that they can share information back and forth.
- Log into Autotask and navigate to the menu on the left and click on Admin
- Click on the + sign to expand the Resources/Users (HR) section
- Click on Resources/Users
- Hover over the downward arrow at the top left of the window and click on New API User
- Fill out the necessary fields under the First General area
- Set the First Name to Client
- Set the Last Name to Portal
- Set the Email Address to your preference
- For best practices, we recommend something generic like or similar.
- Set the Security Level to the highest option to prevent sync and view permissions later
- Generate the API keys under the Second General area
- Click the Generate Key button to generate a user key. Make sure to copy and paste that key to a separate area, like Notepad or Word, for later usage.
- Click the Generate Secret button to generate a secret password. Make sure to copy and paste that key to a separate area, like Notepad or Word, for later usage. This will not be accessible later so DO NOT MISS THIS STEP.
- Select the vendor from the dropdown in the API Tracking Identifier section. REQUIRED.
- Ensure Integration Vendor is selected.
- Scroll through the list to find and select CloudRadial - Portal & Account Management
- For the Line of Business field, drag over all relevant line items that relate to ticketing to ensure CloudRadial can see the right areas. Drag over all if you're not certain which ones are right.
- Click Save & Close at the top once of this window once you've copied over both keys and ensured all fields are set correctly.
Step 2: Entering the API keys from Autotask into CloudRadial
Why are we doing this? Now that the user and key is created, we need to set the information in CloudRadial so the syncing and sharing can begin.
- Navigate to your CloudRadial tenant and go to Partner > Settings and click on "PSA" under Setup in the right-hand column
- Select Autotask for the PSA
- Fill out the first Connection Information section
- For API User Name, enter the username (key) you copied earlier from Autotask
- For API User Password, enter the password (secret) key you copied earlier from Autotask
Important -> Once both are set, press Test Credentials - this will appear on top of the API User Password field
- If set correctly, you'll get a message stating that Autotask Connected OK
Step 3: Setting up Additional Autotask Configuration Options
Why are we doing this? This is where you can fine-tune the connections between CloudRadial and Autotask, helping you customize the link between the two to be exactly the way you want it.
Once you establish the connection to Autotask, you'll have access to the Lookup button(s) next to certain fields that will pull in available options directly from the PSA.
Setting up the Ticket Settings section
- For Ticket Queues:
Determine what tickets your users will be able to see - multiple queues can be selected one at a time. The first board you select, should be the board where tickets go initially such as Triage or Level I Support.
- For Statuses for “Client Closed / Ticket is Resolved”:
List one or more statuses that indicate the ticket is closed and should be marked as such. Tickets matching this status (or statuses) will display under the Closed tab within the ticket view under Support > Support Tickets.
- For Statuses for "Ticket Waiting":
Ensure that CloudRadial will flag the status(es) listed here as needing attention. Typically, this is used for approval workflows to let people know there is an action to be taken (such as approve, deny, escalate, etc). These statuses must already exist in the PSA. This will do the following:
- Make the status appear orange in the Support > Support Tickets area for better visibility
- Allow the ticket with the waiting status to show up under the Waiting tab for better visibility
- For "Client Comments":
Sets the status to whatever is filled in this field, should a client comment on a ticket from within the portal.
- For Exclude Ticket Statuses:
Select any statuses to be invisible within the portal and therefore NOT display in the ticket view area.
- For Priority for "User Priority":
Set the default priority level for users marked as "priority". More information on this can be found in this article.
- For Ticket Update Broadcast Allowed Statuses:
CloudRadial's broadcast functionality can send push notifications to users upon certain status triggers. By default, all statuses will trigger the notification. Listing statuses here will keep the push notifications limited to just those status changes.
- For Oldest Ticket Date:
Set the maximum date that CloudRadial can pull tickets from (Tickets cannot be filtered by a date range.) Useful for organizations with mass ticket histories that are irrelevant past a certain point - the less history CloudRadial has to pull in, the faster the ticket viewing/submission becomes.
Setting up Configuration Updates (From Data Agent)
This area is primarily used for those with ConnectWise, but without an RMM.
Since the CloudRadial data gathering agent can pull in data on machines like a lite RMM, it can define and upload configuration types of desktops and servers into ConnectWise.
Leave blank if you've already got an RMM defining these for you.
Why are we doing this? We need to use identifiers to help CloudRadial link specific companies in the portal to companies in Autotask.
- Navigate to Partner > Clients in CloudRadial
- Click on the 3 blue dots on an existing client
- Click Edit
- Once in the Company editing panel, look for the PSA Company Identifier field
- Note: Steps 4-8 apply both when editing an existing client in CloudRadial or when adding a brand new one
- Use the Lookup button to find their company identifier in Autotask
- Press enter on the blank field to load entries, or type the first few letters of the company you're trying to find and then press enter
- Click on the corresponding company
- The ID will now be in place. Click Submit at the bottom of the panel
The data from Autotask will now be flowing into the relevant areas of CloudRadial. Depending on your queue setup, their tickets will now work out of CloudRadial and their ticket data will now populate.
Setup is complete - simply repeat the ID entry steps for any loaded up clients or for new clients added to the portal.
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