Integrating your ConnectWise PSA with CloudRadial enables Projects inside your portal. If you haven't already done this, go to Setting Up the ConnectWise API Integration with CloudRadial; ensure that you set up the proper permissions for Projects. Once complete, you can come back to this article to learn more about the integration.
Project Settings
First, you'll want to make sure you have everything set up properly with ConnectWise. You will need to modify your API Member to have the following Project permissions, in addition to all others listed in the PSA Setup Article, to ensure Projects work properly:
Projects |
Add Level |
Edit Level |
Delete Level |
Inquire Level |
Project Finance |
None |
None |
None |
All |
Project Headers |
None |
None |
None |
All |
Project Notes |
None |
None |
None |
All |
Project Phase |
None |
None |
None |
All |
Project Product |
None |
None |
None |
All |
Project Reports |
None |
None |
None |
All |
Project Scheduling |
None |
None |
None |
All |
Project Teams |
None |
None |
None |
All |
Project Ticket Tasks |
None |
None |
None |
All |
Project Tickets |
None |
All |
None |
All |
To define exactly what projects and project tickets you would like to see inside CloudRadial, do the following steps:
- Navigate to Partner > Settings > PSA > ConnectWise
- Scroll down to Project Settings
- You can filter exactly what you would like your clients to see with the settings below:
Allowed Boards
- Select the boards that you would like your portal to display. You can select multiple boards.
Exclude Project Statuses
- Enter text for the project statuses that you wish to not display. This will remove any projects that are in that status from being visible in the portal. Tokens are accepted.
Exclude Project Types
- Enter text for the project type that you wish to not display. This will remove any projects that are in that status from being visible in the portal. Tokens are accepted.
Exclude Project Ticket Statuses
- Enter text for the project ticket statuses that you wish to not display. This will remove any projects that are in that status from being visible in the portal. Tokens are accepted.
Allowed Boards
- Click Submit
Note: CloudRadial will adhere to the "Do not display this project in the Customer Portal" option if set in ConnectWise.
API Endpoints
Below are the API endpoints that we are using to bring in project data from ConnectWise Manage:
Call | Route |
GetProjects | /project/projects |
GetProjectsCount | /project/projects/count |
GetProject | /project/projects/{projectId} |
GetProjectTickets | /project/tickets |
GetProjectTicketsCount | /project/tickets/count |
GetProjectTicket | /project/tickets/{ticketId} |
GetProjectTeam | /project/projects/{projectId}/teamMembers |
GetProjectStatuses | /project/statuses |
GetProjectTypes | /project/projectTypes |
Projects Feature
To get to the Projects feature in the portal, go to Account > Projects.
- The Overview tab will show the list of projects coming from ConnectWise starting with the Largest ID first.
- Selecting a project will open a popout blade showing additional details.
- Here you can see the last updated ticket, which is also a link that can direct you to more details on the ticket pop-out blade on the Project Tickets page.
Project Tickets
- The Project Tickets tab will show the list of tickets associated with the projects that you are pulling into CloudRadial from ConnectWise. These will show in order from Latest Updated ticket by default.
- Selecting a ticket will open a popout blade showing the tickets additional details.
- The Discussion tab allows users to communicate on the ticket similar to how support tickets work now.
- They can also attach files to the ticket.
- Works with Time Entries
- The Timeline tab will show the timeline on the ticket itself
- The Details tab provides more details about the ticket regarding Contact, History, Classification, and Team info.
- Security Role Permissions: Users with Read Only access and above will have access to the projects and tickets. Editing (Personal) permissions and above will give admins the ability to update/communicate on all project tickets. We recommend giving the minimum required permission to this location as the integration will expand and more actions can be made on Projects and Tickets from the portal. For more information on security roles, click here.
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