CloudRadial DNS is a platform for content filtering, threat protection, and network visibility. When integrated, CloudRadial users can view the list of actively blocked and allowed sites from CloudRadial DNS. Partners can also give specific end users the ability to block or allow sites directly from their CloudRadial portal.
Lastly, Partners can also give specific end users access to the internet activity of their company users, letting them quickly make adjustments to allow or block certain domains and monitor internet activity.
Configuring CloudRadial DNS
Generating a CloudRadial DNS API Key
We'll first need to generate our API keys within ScoutDNS to enter inside of CloudRadial to tie the integration together. To begin:
- Go to
- Select the profile button on the top right > API Access Management > + New API Key
- Create a description
- Select Save
- Select the Copy button (you will need to paste this inside CloudRadial later)
Creating a Company-Specific Allow/Block List
If you have not created an allow/block list for this integration already, follow the below steps before moving forward.
CloudRadial depends on the company-specific allow/block list to ensure that company users are affecting the correct list for their own organization.
As a best practice, do this with every individual company that you plan to set up in CloudRadial IF you plan to give admin users in that organization the power to allow/block their sites.
To do so:
- In CloudRadial DNS, navigate to the top right of the screen and select the dropdown
- Choose the company that you're setting up in CloudRadial
- Select Custom Lists
- Click +New W/B List
- It is recommended to fill in the List Name and the List Description. For example:
List Name: Company Name Portal Allow/Block List
List Description: List required for integration with CloudRadial - Click Save
Entering the API Key into CloudRadial
We will now use the API keys that you generated from the first step in this section. To connect the two systems, you will need to enter the API key into CloudRadial.
- Log into your CloudRadial tenant
- Navigate to Partner > Settings
- From the right-hand Configuration column, select Integrations
- Locate and select CloudRadial DNS from the list
- Check the box that says Enable CloudRadial DNS reporting?
- Paste the API Key copied from CloudRadial DNS
- Click Test Connection
- If successful, you will see a confirmation message
- If unsuccessful, check your API key and try again. If it still fails, submit a ticket
- Select Submit to finalize the connection
Tying CloudRadial DNS to a specific Company
Once you've successfully linked CloudRadial DNS and CloudRadial, you will need to tie CloudRadial DNS to specific companies to show their data. To do so:
- Go to Partner > Clients
- Use the 3 blue-dot menu next to a client and select Edit
- Select Integrations (tab) and find the section for CloudRadial DNS Organization ID
- Click the Lookup button and find/select the ID that matches the client
- Find the section below for CloudRadial DNS Alllowed, Blocked List Id
- Click the Lookup button and find/select the list associated with the client
- Click Submit
You should now be able to see the Internet tab added to your permissions and Feature Sets. Head to Usage > Internet; this is where you will see the CloudRadial DNS integration data inside CloudRadial for a connected client.
Note: By default, all the data is set to show the last hour with the most recent information first. The integration with CloudRadial DNS limits any given data set to 1,000 API calls.
Using the CloudRadial DNS Integration
With CloudRadial DNS connected, you have a few options as to how to deploy it to users. From valuable and insightful data to proper actions (such as allow/blocking sites), the level of power you give to your administrative-level users is up to you.
Read the sections below to understand how to best customize access to suit your needs.
Using the Allow/Block Tab
Users with the proper permission (Company and Partner) will be able to move sites to the Allow or Block list inside the CloudRadial portal. This page will show you what domains users are actively using and whether or not they were Blocked or Allowed.
To Allow or Block a Site
- Go to Usage > Internet
- Search for the site and click the 3 blue-dot menu next to it
- Click Add to Allow List or Add to Block List
Note: Users will see this error if the list is not configured correctly and attempt to Allow/Block a domain:
Unable to add to Allow/Block List, this list either cannot be found or has not been configured in company integrations.
This either means the list is not tied to the company in CloudRadial or the list does not exist in CloudRadial DNS. Look at step 3 in Tying CloudRadial DNS to a Specific Company for assistance with set up.
Checking Activity Logs
End users can see the activity of a site by selecting anywhere on the row of the website or selecting Show Log in the 3 blue-dot menu. More information on the website user activity, as well as its Allow/Block status, is available here.
Downloading Allow/Block Report to Excel
- Filter the view for each column to get what you want in the Excel file
- Click Download
- You will receive an Excel download with only the information from your filtered view
Using the User Activity Tab
The User Activity page allows end users to view user's domain activity.
- Select any user to dig deeper into that user's activity
2. There are 2 sections to the User Activity log:
- The user will have a chart that shows up to the last 24 hours of activity
- There will also be a table that can be filtered to show user activity on any selected date
Note: All records from CloudRadial DNS are available up to 90 days and CloudRadial can only pull in up to 1000 records at a time.
Understanding the Audit Trail
You can find the audit trail for a domain by selecting the domain and clicking the Blue Book button on the top right of the pop out blade. See image:
You can also find it in Partner > Security > Audit Trail under the Entity, Domain URL.
If you need any assistance, please Click Here to Submit a Request.
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