Please note that we are still building and adding guides. Check back regularly to see additional resources added in their respective sections.
We utilize Canva as a medium to access some of these - you will need to create a free account to access them.
This article exists to help consolidate the various resources provided by CloudRadial to Partners in a single article for easy access. Some are direct downloads/access, while others may be gated behind services.
Contact support or your account manager for further clarification on accessing these, if necessary.
Sales Flyers
Solution Slicks
Please note: You will want to replace images with your portal's images. Images reflected in feature flyers may not always reflect the content, so double-check and customize them appropriately before distributing them to clients.
- Generic Feature Slick Template
- Smart Service (Incident Ticketing) Slick
- Smart Catalog (Service Catalog) Slick
- Smart Knowledge Base (Knowledge Base) Slick
- Smart Training (University Courses) Slick
- Smart Insights (Reporting Data) Slick
- Smart Strategy (Planner) Slick
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