In certain instances, you may find yourself wanting to allow the users submitting tickets to choose from different options in a drop-down set. From these answers, you can make it so their answers dictate which board, status, priority, and more that the ticket gets moved to.
This is accomplished through a combination of CloudRadial and ConnectWise custom fields. Read the instructions below to understand how to accomplish this.
- Creating the Custom Field in ConnectWise
- Creating the Workflow Rule in ConnectWise
- Creating the Appropriate Ticket in CloudRadial
Creating the Custom Field in ConnectWise
To begin, create the custom field to hold your specific answer.
- In ConnectWise, navigate to System > Setup Tables
- Search for and select Custom Fields in the Table column
- Search for Ticket in the Pod Description column
- Select the one attributed to the Service screen
- Select + Custom Fields to add a new custom field
- Name your custom field what you like. In our example, we're using Ticket Category (Custom).
- Field caption: (Your choice)
- Sequence #: (Your choice, we recommend leaving this as-is)
- Method of Entry: Entry field
- Set Display on Screen? to be checked
- Edit locations, if necessary to your goals
- Once completed, select Save to finalize this custom field
Creating the Workflow Rule in ConnectWise
Once the custom field has been created, we can create the workflow rule to trigger it.
To do so:
- In ConnectWise, navigate to System > Setup Tables
- Search for and select Workflow Rules in the Table column
- Select + to create a new workflow rule
- Call the Description anything you like
- Set the Table Reference* to Service Tickets
- Set Location and Business Unit to your preferred setting
- Set your Service Board to the default board that your tickets go to from CloudRadial to ConnectWise
- Select Save to move on to the next step of workflow customization
- Select Events + to set a new event to trigger
- Ignore the first two dropdowns and use the Set trigger dropdown to select your custom field
- You're looking for a rule that looks like (Custom Field Caption) contains (Value)
- From our example, this will be Ticket Category (Custom)
- For the Set value area, write in one of the responses that you will have available within your client-facing ticket. We will be triggering a board change off of this text value.
- Select the Save and Back icon to save the rule
- Select Save at the bottom right to finalize the rule
- Select Actions + to add an action to the rule
- From the Action Type* dropdown, select Change Board and select Next
- Set your preferred board and status settings. This is what the rule will change the board to once it detects your custom text from the CloudRadial ticket.
- In our example, we'll be moving our ticket from our Professional Services board to our Slash / Test board. Therefore, the settings will look like this:
- Select Save & Close to save the rule
- This will complete one layer of the rule. If you have more responses that need to trigger to different boards, use the Clone option next to the event and edit the event to configure more actions as necessary, using the same exact steps as step 6 but with variations for different responses.
- Select Activate now on the red banner message above to finalize and activate the workflow rule
- Set it to run as many minutes as necessary during a time period that works for you.
Creating the Appropriate Ticket in CloudRadial
To begin, we'll first start by creating the appropriate ticket in CloudRadial. In the most common scenario, you will use either a Multi-choice (dropdown) or Multi-choice (radio) question type to trigger things.
Start by:
- Creating your ticket as normal
- Selecting either Multi-choice (dropdown) or Multi-choice (radio)
- Entering your applicable responses in the Choices section of the question
- These choices must match your exact case and spelling of the rules that you created in step 6-7 of the above section. CloudRadial will send these, verbatim, to ConnectWise.
- Selecting Show more options... dialogue
- Under the Store in PSA Custom Field area, set the value to the exact spelling of your custom field created in the first of three major steps in this article
- Select Submit and finalize your ticket
You can now send this ticket and the workflow and custom field created in ConnectWise will carry the appropriate board change out as needed.
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