The company directory can be found under Company > Directory within the feature set. While MSP partners use the Usage > Users area to see and manage users, you can think of the Directory as a more end-user-centric option to give details about users in their organization.
Who is displayed in the directory?
The directory will display users that are loaded into the company.
These are users that are loaded in from the PSA tool, Office 365, and even users that are manually created in CloudRadial, provided that they have this option checked when being added (though it can be toggled on/off later):
What information can a user get from the directory?
The richness of information that a user gets from selecting a user in the directory depends heavily on the source that the user is pulled from. Users pulled in solely from the PSA tool will often just display:
- Their email address, with the option to copy their email
- The option to open an email via an app to send them an email
The richest form of information comes from Office 365, and it can be enhanced further depending on the information that they've filled out in their O365 profile. Users can also edit this information from within CloudRadial to further enrich the directory details.
Office 365 users will also have an additional option to launch a Teams chat.
This same information can also be seen with users imported only from the PSA, but they must edit their profile and add the details for themselves for it to be visible (instructions found at the end of this article).
How can a user edit their information to improve the directory details?
Users can select their name at the top-right within CloudRadial and use the pencil icon to edit details.
This will prompt an area where they can fill out multiple fields. Office 365 users may find that this information is pre-filled; this is normal as it is pulled directly from the fields found in Office. PSA-only users will have this all blank by default.
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