Important! Status Workflows change CloudRadial's previous method for handling status updates. For details of these changes, please view this support article.
Status Workflows can be used in various use cases ranging from simple actions to multi-step workflows between departments and organizations.
They give you control over what status options are shown to users when they are viewing a ticket via a dropdown menu. When a user chooses one of these options, the ticket is updated with the new status.
To set them up, you'll need to navigate to Partner > Settings > Status Workflows on the right-hand Configuration column.
Setting Up Your Initial Status Workflows
Depending on your PSA, your tenant will only come with a maximum of three pre-set status workflows:
- A single Closed status
- A single Cancelled status
- A single Re-open status
These are based on the default ones listed in your respective PSA. The first step would be to modify these, if necessary, to fit your existing PSA's statuses. Remember that these are the options that your clients see.
Setting Up Approval Workflows
Approval workflows are extremely flexible and can be used in numerous ways. We've listed the most popular use cases for each one - please refer to the instructions for each to learn the best practices.
Understanding Status Workflow Options
Status Workflow choices appear in the ticket dropdown options when the trigger condition(s) are met.
See the charts below for a more detailed explanation of each option in their configuration.
Ticket Option | |
Label | The label that shows to clients upon selecting the dropdown in Support > Support Tickets. |
PSA Status | The status that the ticket is set to. Must match an existing status in the PSA (case sensitive). |
Display Order | The order in which the status is displayed in the dropdown. The bigger the number, the lower down the dropdown it shows. |
Actions | |
Activate Approval Logging | Adds log notes to the ticket in regards to who approved the ticket. |
Activate Denial Logging | Adds log notes to the ticket in regards to who denied the ticket. |
Send email requesting approval on selection | Sends an email to the target recipients of the audience that can see the status workflow change. |
Set Priority | Set the priority on the ticket to whatever you fill in here. Must exist in the PSA already. |
JSON Webhook URL | Set a URL destination that the denial/approval information will be sent to - specifically, for Power Automate. Accepts CloudRadial tokens. |
Triggers | |
Show on Closed Tickets | Trigger the ability for the status to show after a ticket is closed. Most commonly used for re-open statuses and their workflows. |
Show when ticket has one of these PSA statuses: | Allows you to fine-tune when the status shows - in this case, only when the ticket already matches a status you define here. |
Exclude when ticket has one of these PSA statuses: | Allows you to fine-tune when the status doesn't show - in this case, only when the ticket already matches a status you define here. |
Show when user email is: | Triggers the status workflow only for specified emails. Will remove the option to trigger by user group, if selected. |
Show when user group is: | Trigger the status workflow to work for only specified users in a user group. |
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