Once you remove an agent from an endpoint or server, the information is not immediately deleted from the Infrastructure reports. You can set automatic policies to remove endpoints and servers after a period of inactivity as well as blocking them from checking in entirely.
- Setting an Agent Retention Policy
- Blocking Endpoints from Checking In
- Automatic Uninstallation of Data Agents
Setting an Agent Retention Policy
To keep the infrastructure reports up-to-date without having to manually delete the items individually, you can set up a retention policy.
- Navigate to Partner > Clients
- Select the Agents tab
- Select the Settings gear at the top right
- Set a time frame long enough so that endpoints that don't check-in due to vacations or similar are not randomly purged.
- Note that values between 1-6 are ignored. 7 days is the minimum retention date.
- We recommend 30 days as a standard.
Blocking Endpoints
If you have an endpoint or server that you no longer control that is still checking in, you can block it from appearing using the Block option that is in the lower right portion of the item panel.
To block an endpoint or server:
- Navigate to the specific device you wish to block
- This will either be in Infrastructure > Endpoints or Infrastructure > Servers
- Select the specific machine you wish to block
- Look for the Block Endpoint or Block Server text button at the bottom right of the Overview tab
Note that blocking a device will prevent it from further check-ins and will delete all history.
Automatic Uninstallation of Data Agents
The data agent that is installed on an endpoint or server is not uninstalled upon them being blocked, deleted, or otherwise removed from CloudRadial, via Infrastructure reports.
The only way that the data agent will automatically uninstall itself is if it detects that the company it is checking into no longer exists.
For this to happen, the company they're trying to check into must be deleted out of Partner > Clients.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a way to move endpoints from one client to another from within the Portal?
- At the moment this is not possible from within the portal.
Your options are:
1. Uninstall agent, and reinstall with the correct installer / CompanyID parameter. See Installing and Uninstalling the Data Agent
2. Update the CompanyID / ID field in the registry. Path listed below: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Azurative\CloudRadial\Agent
* Note: Depending on the version of the agent, the registry key may be named ID or CompanyID. They refer to the same value and can be found in the portal under Partner > Clients > Agents.
* Using either option will start the agent checking into the client org specified, but will not immediately remove it from the original org. That device will stay until manually deleted or the retention policy is met.
- At the moment this is not possible from within the portal.
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