When Partners want to send approval emails or general notification emails, the email is generated in Partner > Content > Choose Content > Edit Content > Routing Tab. First, we will talk about what the fields do, then we will discuss the permissions required to view them. Note - Approval workflows do not work with HaloPSA.
How the Fields Work
Is Approval and email notification required?
This checkbox opens up the approvals for your status workflows to trigger. Once selected, you will see the additional workflow options.
Approver List
This field is where you can specify who gets the approval emails. The field is blank by default and will send approval emails to anyone with the correct permissions to view and edit the ticket that needs approval. See Permissions required for approvals for additional details. You can use the comma-separated fields or a CloudRadial token to specify who gets the emails.
Approvers who submit can approve their own requests?
This field bypasses the approval process for approvers, as no email is required when the approver submits a ticket.
- Create a token called @DefaultApprovers in Partner > Settings > Tokens
- Now add this token to the Approver List
- At this point, the token will fire when approval is needed and send it to Approver1@email.com, Approver2@email.com, and ONLY these users.
What if we want a different approver at each company?
- Go to Partner > Client > Select Client > Tokens tab.
- You can select add and add in any company approvers here. In my example, I have added companyadmin1@email.com and companyadmin2@email.com.
- Now, when users of this company fill out the form, the token will fire to only the emails listed here. This supersedes the partner-level tokens.
- You can select add and add in any company approvers here. In my example, I have added companyadmin1@email.com and companyadmin2@email.com.
Permissions Required for Approvals
If left blank, the approval emails will go to users with the appropriate permissions to edit the tickets at the company level and see the tickets at the company level.
- Go to Partner > Security > Roles. Partners cannot edit system roles but can copy or create a role to fit this need.
- Open or add the role you want to modify permissions, and under ticket settings, make sure 'company' is selected.
- Now go to Module Permissions > Support > Support Tickets and make sure it is also set to the company level.
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