First, a Special Thanks to our Partners
CloudRadial's first year has been an amazing experience for us and the product has evolved a lot over that time thanks to your suggestions and often patience. September was an whirlwind of a month with almost 50% growth in our number of clients. Much of our work during these last few weeks was building out and retuning Azure infrastructure to make sure we deliver superior performance. Please keep bombarding us with suggestions and feedback and we promise to keep innovating the leading (and only) Account Management Automation Platform.
Question Templates
New employee on-boarding is a common use case for Service Request forms. These forms can be similar across clients with only a few questions that are different. Now, the Question Templates feature makes setting up these common questions easy. Questions can be entered in just one place and shared among forms. For more information, check out this video on our YouTube channel (don't forget to follow us while you're there):
Ticket Checklists
ConnectWise and Autotask both provide the ability to associate tasks/checklists with a ticket to make sure that key steps are not overlooked. Now, the Checklists feature makes adding these steps easy at the ticket submission step. When editing a form (either in Problem Reports or Service Requests), look for the Checklist option at the top to specify items to add to the ticket. For more information, check out this video on our YouTube channel:
Office 365 License Reporting
CloudRadial has always provided client-level reporting for Office 365 licenses. Now you can see all of your 365 licenses across all clients with the new Licenses report under Partner Reports -> Licenses. In addition, we've added Office 365 license reporting in the client reporting package that can be added under Partner Settings -> Report Layouts.
Other Improvements
- Added quote display for Autotask. Enable a third party quote tool under integrations for these quotes to show up. If you are not using one of these tools, choose the Quoter option for a basic display of the quote and any attached files to the opportunity.
- Added the ability to define Google Analytics tracking code to track portal usage by clients. This option is defined under Partner Settings -> Integrations under the Google option.
- Updated PSA sync for ConnectWise to set the default contact type during add.
- Updated ticket creation so that PSA contacts are created at ticket submit as needed rather than waiting on the nightly sync.
- Added Quoter integration for display client Quotes.
- User variables to routing tokens
- Added Ticket Category as a routing option for Autotask.
- Added the ability to set the passing score on exams. Previously the default was 70% but now it can be set as required.
- Added the ability to have course certifications expire after a certain number of months. Use this option to require users to retake tests on an annual basis.
Bug Fixes
- Added Australian locale for correct currency symbol in printed reports.
- Corrected problems with publishing content when changing package group settings.
- Users now receive an unsupported browser notice instead of error for IE 11.
- Many other bug fixes to address specific usage issues.
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