CloudRadial continues to innovate as the leading (and only) Account Management Automation Platform. It delivers the ultimate client portal for engaging and managing MSP and CSP clients. This update addresses:
- Global management of report archives
- Email message delivery to users
- Canadian application and data hosting
Plus a variety of other improvements including branding, impersonation, permalinks and more.
Report Archives
CloudRadial's Report Archives feature has proven to be a very useful way to consolidate all the email generated for clients. The challenge has been managing archives. Now, CloudRadial lets you define default archives that are created and updated for all new and existing clients.
To utilize default archives:
- Go to the Partner Clients tab.
- Click on the Report Archives link at the top of the page.
- Click on the Settings button at the top right and define your standard archives. Any archives you have previously created are automatically updated with the new global settings based on the name of the archive.
Email Messages
Like Report Archives, the Company Messages feature has shown promise but was limited because messages were only displayed in the portal. Now, new Message Center options push updates to users on a daily basis. Emails are sent using your email logo and branding.
To configure email for a client:
- Edit the client and enable email message delivery for company users. Your company admins can also make this change to enable email for their users.
- Edit any users you don't want to receive email messages and disable their email option. Users can also unsubscribe from these messages either from the emails directly or under their notification settings under their profile page.
- Publish content to the Messages area. New message emails are delivered each morning before work hours based on the previous days content.
Custom Sending Domain
As a part of this message delivery, you can now also request a custom sending domain for your account. Information about requesting a sending domain can be found by here:
Oh Canada!
We now have data storage and application hosting available for Canada. If you would like your data stored in our Canadian Azure instance, please let us know and we will relocate your database. This is a simple process that can be done over a weekend with no downtime required.
Other Improvements
- Allows for the display of a Partner logo on every client page in addition to the client name. This option is located under the Partner Settings tab under the Account & Branding / Branding option.
- Speeds up the process of impersonating admins and users.
- Content items now have permalinks that can be used across companies and don't rely on content titles. Content permalinks are assigned after saving and are available while editing through a link on the lower right side of the editing window.
- Checks Office 365 alternate email address for syncing with PSA and displays those email addresses in user view.
- Allows MFA reporting to be disabled at the client level. To get MFA reporting, clients require at least one Azure AD P1 license (or similar) in their tenant. If this license isn't available, the MFA column will always show Off. You can now disable MFA reporting for clients without the necessary license. This option is available when editing a client under the Details tab.
- Allows Support PIN user prompts to be disabled at the partner level. This option is located under the Partner Settings tab under the Account & Branding / Customization option.
- Allows MCA Approval admin prompts to be disabled at the partner level. This option is located under the Partner Settings tab under the Account & Branding / Customization option.
- Client job logs are now consolidated under a new Jobs option under the Partner Reports tab. This should aid in helping to spot issues with background processes without requiring this option be made available in a client's Feature Set.
- Lenovo warranty information is now updated directly from Lenovo for endpoints and servers where the expiration date is missing from the PSA. This is in addition to existing support for Dell endpoints and servers.
- All overnight jobs now run based on each partner's timezone rather than our timezone. Use the timezone setting under the Account & Branding / Customization option to adjust as needed.
- Rows per page setting now is saved between sessions.
Bug Fixes
- Endpoints and servers are now updated based on manufacturer and serial number rather than name so systems may now be renamed without creating duplicate systems.
- Empty categories are no longer displayed in the Report a Problem page when all items have been pinned as favorites to the General category.
- Addressed issues related to message display and user names in ticket views.
- Fixed various rights issues where impersonated admins didn't have sufficient rights for partner-level options.
- Addressed issues where app did not properly refresh in the browser after updates.
- Fixed bug where styling for Report a Problem page was occasionally not correct.
- Retrieves the Google users first name and last name when creating their account after a Google log in.
- Hides planner buttons throughout the portal if the planner is disabled for the client.
- Other bug fixes to address problems and usababilty.
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